Pega Prpc (BPM) Brief Introduction

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1. Introduction to Pega

  • Platform: BPM and CRM for automating and integrating business processes.
  • Features: Case management, process automation, decision management, customer engagement.

2. Application Development

  • Rulesets: Containers for rules in applications.
  • Class Structure: Defines data structure and behavior.
  • Rules: Building blocks, including process, UI, and data rules.

3. Case Management

  • Lifecycle: Stages and steps for business processes.
  • Case Types: Templates for managing different work types.

4. User Interface (UI) Development

  • Harnesses: Layout and structure.
  • Sections: Modular UI components.
  • Skins: Styling and appearance control.

5. Process Automation

  • Flow Rules: Sequence of tasks and decisions.
  • Assignments: User tasks.
  • Service Levels: Deadlines and goals.

6. Data Management

  • Data Pages: Manage data sources and caching.
  • Data Transforms: Data format transformation.
  • Integration: Connect to external systems.

7. Decision Management

  • Decision Rules: Automate decisions.
  • Tables and Trees: Complex decision logic.
  • Predictive Analytics: Data-based predictions.

8. Reporting

  • Report Definitions: Data analysis reports.
  • Dashboards: Visual performance metrics.

9. Security

  • Access Groups: Permissions and roles.
  • Authentication: User access management.
  • Data Security: Protect sensitive data.

10. Performance and Optimization

  • Performance Analysis: Monitoring tools.
  • Caching: Efficiency improvement.
  • Database Optimization: Better database interactions.

11. Deployment and DevOps

  • Packaging: Application deployment.
  • Versioning: Manage application versions.
  • CI/CD: Integration with development pipelines.

12. Mobility

  • Pega Mobile: Mobile app development.
  • Responsive Design: Multi-device compatibility.

13. Pega Cloud

  • Cloud Architecture: Deploying on the cloud.
  • Services: Cloud-based tools.

14. Customer Service

  • Framework: Components for customer interactions.
  • Customer View: Comprehensive customer history.

15. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

  • Robotics Studio: Design and deploy bots.
  • Bot Management: Monitor robotic workforce.

16. Testing

  • Automated Testing: Create and run tests.
  • Pega Unit: Framework for rule and process testing.

17. Pega Marketplace

  • Pega Exchange: Share components and solutions.

18. Learning and Certification

  • Pega Academy: Online courses and certifications.
  • Certifications: Credentials for Pega roles (System Architect, Business Architect, etc.).

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