- Two Pega Platforms (8.6,8.7) Or any other combinations that you might have
- Connect Rest Knowledge
Part 1:
We need to Create the component. Path: Dev Studio –> Configure–> Application–> Component shown below
Next, we need to create the Rest Connection be Specific with the Ruleset we need the ruleset to add it into the component.
Once Rest Connection is Done go back to Component page and click on Create a New Component
Give the Component Name Version (01.01.01) create and open
Provide the Short Description and Publisher
Add the Connect Rest Rules Set in Component Rulesets (BardGeminiComponent:01-01-01) Shown Below
Lock and create the package
One zip file will be created Download It.
Part 1: Complete
Part 2:
Open the New Platform Hope you have an application if no Create a new Application
After you create or you already have the application go to “Application Definition” shown Below
You Need to Add the Component in Enabled Component Shown Below:
To Do it Click on Managed Components and Install new, upload your component package
and enable it, now package component is ready to use.
In the video I have used the Connect-Rest Asset of the component you can use any rule
which is present in the component.
I have created a Case Type and Created a Section to use the Component using an Activity.
Part 2: Complete
Please Follow Along The Video With this Doc, and Do not overthink while trying to implenment, There are only two outcomes either you will Suceed or you will not, if you dont, give it a try again with some time in your hand, i also had challenges to implement it.
please let me know if you are unable to implement or need help, you can comment below or connect/contact me in linkedin :